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Trev’s Fishing Tackle

Trev’s Tackle Ireland is located to the rear of O’Callaghans pub in Coachford. 

We offer a full range of products, including:-

Floats – we stock a large range of floats in a range of sizes, including the very popular Dave Harrell floats, (DH18 up to 2g and DH19 up to 10g), Tubertini in a range of sizes, plus many more.

Hooks – we have a range of different Tubertini and Kamasan hooks in a large range of sizes. As stock the sizes not usually available in the UK.

Olivettes – we stock a range of sizes of lead olivettes, in sizes not readily available in the UK.

Lead shot – we have a large range of lead shot, from Prestons, Anchor and Tubertini. They are available in a range of sizes.

Groundbait – 20kg sacks of brown and black crumb, other colours are available if ordered well in advance. We also stock a wide range of Sensas and Van den Eynde bags of ground baits, including the very popular Gold Pro, Turbo, Feeder Turbo and G5.

Bait – white and red maggots, casters and worms (to order). During the festivals we get very regular deliveries of fresh bait. During the rest of the year it is weekly deliveries, usually towards the end of the week.

Tackle – we have a large range of things for you, including whips, rods, landing nets, keep nets, buckets, plus a whole range of other accessories. We stock Prestons, Tubertini and other products. We also offer help with getting the rods and whips set up for you. Other items that are not in stock can be ordered for you. Just ask for what you are looking for.

Everything you could possibly need to fish Inniscarra Lake.

Coachford has everything the visiting angler needs and O’Callaghan’s is at the heart of Coachford. You can get a pint of Guinness and your fishing permit in the pub, and then visit the tackle shop. What more could an angler want !! 

Please make sure you dip your keep nets. We need to maintain the high levels of fish husbandry in the area. The net dip is located in the car park of O’Callaghans pub.

We also provide guided trips round the lake, tuition and fishing tackle hire. If you are new to the area, we can get you set up in the places on this beautiful venue.

There is also a local guide available, which gives information about the best places to fish Inniscarra Lake. The guide is great for the first time visitor, as well as those of you who have been here before. The brochure is available from O’Callaghans bar. We ask for a donation of €2.50, which goes towards the upkeep of The Greenway.